EPDM – Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomor
EPDM is a very durable synthetic rubber, used for flat roofs and gently sloped roofs. Alupro Roofing Services we work with clients all over Limerick, installing high quality EPDM roofs. These roofs are available in both black (appears like a dark grey) or white. Our experienced team can offer advice on what will work best for your building. One of the reasons EPDM is so successful is that it is perfect for a wide range of climates, helping to keep in the heat in cold weather and regulate temperatures in hot conditions. This helps to keep both heating and air conditioning costs down.
Why choose EPDM for your roof in Limerick or Limerick?
- EPDM roofs are very easy to maintain.
- Maintenance costs for EPDM are very low in comparison with other roofing materials.
- Using EPDM for your roof is very eco-friendly.
- EPDM has been around for years and continues to be a favourite with our clients.
- EPDM is a flexible material, so expansion and contraction will not compromise your roof.