Chimney Cowls Fitted

Chimney Cowls Fitted, Rain Cowls and Anti Down Draught Cowls in Limerick.

Chinmey Cowl Installation LimerickDifferent type of cowls fitted.

Cowl that protect your chimney – These are Rain Cowls, Chimney Caps and Bird Guards in Limerick.

Cowls that may help or prevent down draughts which include Spinner Cowl, All Purpose Antidown Draught Chimney Cowl.

Reduce wind noise- Lobster Cowl or Revolving Cowl.

Basic Rain & Bird Protection  :  Unused Chimneys  :  Crow Guards / Balloon Mesh  :
Large Anti Downdraught  :  Small Anti Downdraught  :  Anti Updraught  :
Spinning Cowl  :   H Cowl  :   Dragon / Lobster Cowl  :
Chimney Liner Cowls  :  Chimney Extension

Many colors available.

We fit and repair cowls in the Limerick area, all chimneys must be accessible.
For a Chimney Cowl Fitting. Choose a day and a time that suits you call us.

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